Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's a Free Gift

This Sunday while playing out side an old school mate of mine saw me out and stopped by. During the conversation, I invited him to church. He got real defensive and didn’t want any part of that. We had a long talk about what he believed and what I believed. He has always been a loud person, and I was concerned about Katelyn getting scared. She might have thought we were arguing, which wasn’t the case. She ran in side at one point and when she came back out she had a piece of candy. She whispered in my ear “Give him some candy”. I was confused and was too involved in the conversation to think anything about, but gave him the candy anyway. When he said no thank you and didn’t take it, Katelyn whispered in my ear again “It is a free gift”. It click what she was doing. I was to hold out the candy and the offer was out there. All he had to do was take it. She related the gift of salvation to that candy and I was to let him know it available but he must take it. He did take the candy but did not the gift of salvation, but he heard the gospel and God does the saving. Pray that he will be convicted of his sins and turn to Jesus as that free gift.

Katelyn learned that from Mrs. Walker’s third grade class at Victory. They have been studying ways to share the gospel and have even made their own bible tracts to give out. This ministry of Victory Baptist Church is doing a great job reaching the lost and I think God for this school and the teachers.

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