Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 3

This is the 3rd week of FAITH and our team is back together. The devil is still hard at work though. There is still sickness in some of our families, but luckily one of the daddy’s stepped in and everyone was able to show up. We started the class, as usual with “Team Time”. Since all my whole team has gone through the class before, we just usually recite the gospel presentation. It taken a few weeks for us to recommit the verses back to memory, but each of use did a great job this week.

During class we learned about the 5 types of visits: evangelistic, follow-up, baptism, ministry, and Opinion Poll. Brother Robert explained each type, what they are used for, and how they are to be conducted. Out of the 5, I believe our team really likes the evangelistic and Opinion Poll visits. My wife’s team, on the other hand, likes to do the ministry visits. See that’s what makes the body of Christ work.

Our Visit

We visited the same couple from week 1. It was a follow-up, one of the 5 types of visits. They have attended the church services each week since we visited. They even brought some guests with them last week. I didn’t have a chance to talk with them last Sunday. They slipped out before I could catch them.

When we arrived at their apartment, they we just setting down for dinner. We didn’t want to interrupt, so we tried to excuse ourselves, but ended up standing at the door talking. We probably stayed longer then we needed too, but they are really interesting people and easy to talk with.

We found that we had a lot of connecting points. Mike worked the power point type program at their last Church and we are in the process of raising money for a projector system. Leslie expressed her need of some help in Algebra and our Pastor’s Assistant has a Masters in math.

We invited them to Sunday school and to a bowling fellowship that is coming up in a couple weeks. We prayed with them and left before their food got any colder.

Prayer Request

Pray for the sickness that is going around in my team’s families, at Church, and at school. Pray that our visit tonight will have an impact for the kingdom of God. Pray for a person that I met on a past visit, that is going through some troubling times. Pray that they will get the help needed; and that God will help our team cross her path so we can show God’s love and protection to her. Pray that I will seek out people to witness to at times other than FAITH.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dog Food

One of the perks about FAITH is that we have food prepared for us each week. This is done so that we can come straight from work without having to worry about food. Since the beginning of FAITH, there has been a can of dog food on the counter. I don’t why it‘s there, but it has became a little inside joke. One class, as I arrived at Church for FAITH, I noticed the dip and chips on the table didn’t look right. I came to the conclusion that it was the dog food that was normally on the counter, and suppose to be in the can.

Someone was playing a little trick on us. I wanting to have some fun of my own, so I took some German Chocolate cake that was also there, broke it apart padded it back together. This made it slightly resemble the dog food. I added a few of the crackers that were put with the dog food to make it even more convincing, and sat down.
Before anybody could warn me, I took a big bite of what they thought was dog food. I could see the panic as they were trying to warn me, but it was too late. Now, dog food will probably not harm me, unless it was from that China batch a few months ago. For the most part, even if I did eat it, nothing would happen, but people felt compelled to warn me of the mistake I was making. I would even bet that complete strangers would even warn me of the mistake I was making0.
For something that would not seriously harm me there was a strong passion to let me know of my mistake. They thought I wasn‘t informed on what I was eating. How much more should we warn people of the judgment of God. 150,000 people are dying each day and most of them without Christ. They don’t know that if they died today they would go to hell. We need to warn them of the wrath to come and what Jesus did so that they can be saved. If we are truly concerned about people, we should be telling them how to be saved. Not just that they are about to eat something bad, or about to step in some chewing gum on the ground. In the time it took to read this post hundreds have died. Let go and tell people about Christ.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 2

It is the second week of FAITH and the devil is hard at work. Both of my team members are out with sick kids, but the “gates of hell will not prevail” (Matthew 16:18). I had two great substitutes. Jared our FAITH encourager and Trish one of my prayers partners. We had a lot of information presented tonight in session 2. We learned of ways to look for witnessing opportunities not only during a FAITH visit, but also in everyday life. We learned two skills that will help us move into a spiritual dialogue with someone; ask open-ended questions and to let people talk about themselves. Last we studied two items that are very important to use during a witness encounter, you evangelistic and Sunday school testimonies. I think Trish was listening to the last part (see Our Visit)

Our Visit

Our scheduled visit was a follow-up from last week. The couple that we talked to in “Week 1” visited the Church and seemed to have a good time. They only visited the worship service, but maybe they’ll attend Sunday school this week. Even though we had that visit scheduled, we had a change of plains. I got a call from my mother today saying that she and my brother would like my team to visit. She said that her, my brother, and my brother girlfriend would be there. This was an answer to my prayers for this is something I have been praying about for a while. I don’t know what it is, but it is harder to witness to your own family. This is a burden that I’ve had for a long time. None of us would want anyone to perish much less a family member. I just wanted them to know for sure that they have eternal life through Jesus Christ. I was very nervous, but thankful during the couple hours leading up to the visit. Before we got there I warned my team that they would probably get hugs from my mother. You see she’s a hugger. God comforted and relaxed me as we arrived. After we got the hugs out of the way, told you she was a hugger, we had a chance to talk. The “key question” was asked, “In your personal opinion what do you understand that it takes for a person to go to heaven”. My mother gave a faith answer and my brother and his girlfriend both gave an “I don’t know” answer.

I presented the gospel, spending what seemed like too much time on the forgiveness part. I felt as if I was going in circles, but I wanted to make sure it was clear and that they understood. My brother has a story similar to mine. He made what seemed like a decision for Christ, but there was not fruit or there was no new creature (2 Cr 5:17). We talked a little more answering Brian’s questions. Trish gave her Sunday school testimony; she must have been listening in class because her testimony was very good. We prayed and invited all of them to Sunday school. I hope that they will be there

Prayer Request

Pray that God uses His words tonight and that souls will be saved. I pray that Brian and his girlfriend could see the sincerity and love that I have for them. That they understand their condition (Romans 3:16) and that God has redeemed the through Jesus Christ (Eph 1:7, John 3:16). Pray that God will give my mother strength to make it to Church. Pray that I stay humble and give God the credit for all that he does and He continues to comfort me in times when I’m scared to share the gospel. Please pray form my team and their family. One last prayer is for the recovery the Larson’s son.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week 1

This is the first week of FAITH this semester. We have our teams. Sherry and Alice are on my team again this time. We were together last semester, and I believe we work together well. I am looking forward to a great semester.

We also have new material. FAITH has just totally revamped their material. We learned the new outline last semester, so we had a little jump on the new stuff. This first week’s lesson was in introduction showing the importance of the “Great Commission” and how to gain power over our fears. One way we do that is through prayer. Not just our prayer but the prayers of our prayer partners. As in Exodus 17 were Moses stood with his hands in the air. As long as his hands were up the people of Israel would not fail, but when he dropped them they started to lose the battle. This is where Aaron and Hur helped by helping him hold his hands in the air. Prayer partners you are my Aaron and Hur. You are my support when I’m on visits. As long as you are praying for us, and our visits, I have total confidence that God will do wonderful things. Think about it. If all three of my team members have at least two people praying for us, that is nine people for our team.

Our Visit
Our visit was a couple that just moved here from Huston, TX. Their names are Mike and Leslie. Mike is auto body repair technician at a local dealer. Leslie is in the Nursing program at UALR. Leslie’s mother called Robert today and asked if someone could go by and visit with them. Leslie’s mother lives in Lonoke, but heard about Victory and thought that Mike and Leslie my like it here. They have visited some other local Churches in the area, but didn’t feel connected. When we go on visits our whole goal is the see if the person is saved and if not share the gospel with them. When we got there, they were expecting us and waiting out side. We were invited in and had good conversations about work, school, family, and church. I had a lot in common with Mike. He’s a painter and I’ve done some body work and finishing work in woodworking is real similar to what he does.

We ask the “Key Question” In your personal opinion, what do you understand it take for a person to go to heaven?’ If we get anything but a faith answer we share the gospel. We didn’t need to share the gospel on this visit. Mike gave, probably the strongest faith answer I’ve heard. His answer was pretty much the gospel in itself. Ending with Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved”. So instead of the gospel we invited them to Sunday School and our “Wii Party” on Friday. So if you see them make them feel welcome. They seemed very interested in attending both the party and Sunday School

Prayer Request
Pray for me during the week to have confidence in having a “life witness” (to share my faith during the week). Pray that my attitude will be correct on Tuesday’s and that I don’t get prideful, I need to remember that God gets the glory for what happens on Tuesday’s and during the week. Pray for Mike and Leslie that they will find a Church that they feel at home and can grow in the Lord.

Friday, February 8, 2008

FAITH Is Starting

A new semester of FAITH is about to kick off at Victory Baptist Church and I wanted to find a way to keep my prayer partners informed with visits I make through FAITH. FAITH is an evangelism strategy and teaching that our Church uses to lead people to Christ. It involves going door-to-door sharing the gospel as a 3 person team. Our ultimate goal is to see lost souls saved.

I plan on sharing my experiences and some my thoughts as we lean how to present the gospel in a biblical way. The objective in this blog may change and I might even go in a different direction as the semester progresses.